Visualise your ideas in under 5 minutes, so audiences get you in less than a second.

Atomic Visuals is a course and community that enables communicators to visualise their expertise in minutes so audiences get, do or buy their thing in seconds.

Unlike other cohort course or visual communities, you can join anytime and learn at your own pace,

make life-long friends with over 400 other Atomic Visualisers from around the world,

and be supported every step of the way through live calls and feedback sessions by award-winning and internationally renowned visual storytelling expert Laura Evans-Hill.

Is Atomic Visuals right for YOU?

Are you TIRED of blank stares, yawns and tumbleweed when you present your ideas?

Your audience, team or students NOT taking notice or actioning your insight?

Are you STRUGGLING to communicate your BIG ideas clearly, simply and engagingly?

Are you SICK of word vomit - tweet threads that no-one reads, reports that get dumped straight in the trash, and death by powerpoint?

Are you FRUSTRATED that your expertise isn’t being recognised so you aren’t getting that promotion, your products aren’t selling and you are failing to make change in your life?

Do you KNOW there’s a better way to communicate, but feel SCARED to try a visual approach because you ‘aren’t creative’ and people ‘won’t take you seriously’?

If you answered NO to any of these questions - good for you, you don’t need this course! Feel free to close this page and get on with your life.

But if you nodded YES to any of these questions and are ready to share your value with the world to drive change in your life,


You are a communicator ready to be recognised

Atomic Visuals is for creators, business leaders and educators ready to drive change with their big ideas through the power of punchy pictures - NO SPECIAL TOOLS OR ARTISTIC TALENT REQUIRED.


You have products, skills and knowledge that you are ready to share to build your audience, your client base and your income.

Atomic Visuals will help you get crystal clear on the value you offer to the world and share it VISUALLY, converting passing attention into genuine leads FAST.


You have problems to solve, stories to tell and changes to make to improve the efficiency, culture and revenue of your organisation.

Atomic Visuals will help you cut through organisational complexity through quick visualisations, so you can ALIGN teams, CONNECT with customers and get stuff DONE.


You are inspiring the next generation with your teaching or your research, to drive lasting, positive change in the world.

Atomic Visuals will help you craft engaging teaching, tell powerful visual stories about your research and EMPOWER audiences to change their behaviour for the better.

Atomic Visuals will:

  1. Simplify your ideas so ANYONE can understand them

  2. Communicate them VISUALLY, FAST and ENGAGINGLY

  3. Supercharge your expertise so audiences TAKE ACTION

So you can FINALLY:

  • BUILD that audience online to change your career

  • LAUNCH that course that changes the game

  • ALIGN those teams to revolutionise your business

  • MAKE THE CHANGE you want to see in the world!

Share your value with the world visually

Atomic Visualisers have joined us from:

And created visuals like this with NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE:

So what the hell are Atomic Visuals?!

Atomic visuals are simple pictorial representations of your thinking,

created in under 5 minutes with just pen and paper,

to engage audiences in less than a second.

Here’s the science behind why they work

Visuals are FAST

We process visuals in 13 milliseconds, versus 6 seconds for processing the same meaning as a sentence of text.

(Endress & Potter, 2014)

Visuals are MEMORABLE

We are 65% more likely to remember a visual representation of an idea 3 days after being shown it, than we are the same information presented as text.

(Medina, 2009)

Visuals are ENGAGING

Visuals are processed in the same side of our brain as our emotions - emotional engagement is what leads to behaviour change and audiences sitting up and listening!

(Schup et al., 2003)

Through the Atomic Visuals course & community, you’ll learn:

How to think visually to communicate ideas fast

All beginner visualisers face the same 3 mental blocks

  • I can’t draw

  • Drawing makes me less credible

  • Written words only form of knowledge creation

You’ll reframe your mindset and free your creativity to think clearly, draw in public & share your ideas visually at lightning speed.

The frameworks you’ve been missing to visualise ANY IDEA

Drawing ideas isn’t hard…once you know how.

You’ll learn:

  • How to find the ‘golden nugget’ ideas that are worth turning into visual leverage

  • The 3P system to clarify any idea and communicate it visually, in 5 minutes or less

  • The fundamentals of visual language to draw absolutely anything

  • Over 30 different visual frameworks to create Atomic Visual stories immediately.

The tools you need to create compelling visual stories

‘I don’t have the tools’ is a lie that you might be telling yourself to stop you getting started.

Whether you have just a pen, paper and smartphone; or a tricked out iPad with Apple Pencil & procreate, you’ll learn the design theory, software skills and tricks to create visuals that resonate every time. 

No matter what tools you are using.

In a 400+ strong community of other Atomic Visualisers on the same journey as you

Creators, business leaders and educators working together to change the world, one visual at a time.

Take the community option of the course, and you’ll get access to:

  • Weekly socials

  • Fortnightly feedback sessions with instructor Laura

  • Monthly topic deep dive sessions

  • Access to quarterly visual learning sprints

  • 100s of new friends, business connections and opportunities

Derek went from NEVER DRAWING before to self publishing and illustrating his own book on Amazon.

Sarah FINALLY secured funding for her project at work in minutes, by ditching the Powerpoint & using 6 Atomic Visuals

People just like you are using Atomic Visuals to drive change

Andrew ALIGNED his teams around the new strategy by binning the 174 slide deck & using ONE simple visual

Meet your instructor

I’m not one for hiding behind a static, soulless professional photo, so here’s a video instead!

Atomic Visuals is the brain child of me - award winning visual storyteller - Laura Evans Hill.

​I’m founder of 6 (nearly 7) figure visual storytelling agency Nifty Fox Creative and a trained social researcher.

I’ve taught over 2000 people across the world how to visualise their stories so audiences get, do or buy their thing, and created atomic visuals for organisations from Siemens & NatWest, through to the UN, International parliaments & over 50 universities worldwide.

Atomic visuals helped me:

📈 Build a six figure business, in 18 months

✍🏻 Make $75,000 in revenue with the first iteration of Atomic Visuals

👍 Sell £3k of e-course Infotopia, in under a week

🐥Increase Twitter audience by 451% in 21 days.

Atomic visuals could help you:

🙋‍♀️ Build your audience

💰Build your revenue

💼 Build your career

🙌 Build meaningful change

Learn in the way that works for you

Want a flavour of what to expect?

Check out some of the key concepts below!

Module 1 - The Science

  • Why words suck

  • The Neuroscience behind visual engagement

  • Successful visualisers in business, education and content creation

Module 2 - Making Marks with Meaning

  • The 3 mindset shifts you need to overcome

  • What drawing really is

  • How to make marks with meaning

  • Building blocks to drawing ideas

Module 3 - The 3P Framework

Introduction to the 3P framework to help you clarify your thinking, choose the right visual approach and communicate your ideas fast.

Module 4 - Defining Idea Purpose

  • Defining your audience

  • Understanding their needs

  • Identifying your idea purpose to serve them

Module 5 - Getting to the Point

  • How to have good ideas

  • How to curate ideas

  • How to simplify ideas to visualise them

Module 6 - Creating the right Picture

  • Visual frameworks 101

  • Visual metaphors

  • Visual storytelling

Module Content

Become an Atomic Visualiser by learning...well...atomically!

All lessons are broken down into 10-15 minute chunks for sustainable skill building.

Module 7 - Choosing your Tools

  • Design theory for dummies

  • How to use Procreate (iPad) & Artflow

  • How to use Canva & Illustrator

Module 8 - Using Atomic Visuals

  • Atomic VIsuals for presenting

  • Atomic Visuals for teaching

  • Atomic Visuals for teams

  • Atomic Visuals for audience building

  • Atomic Visuals for coaching


  • For the short course - a 30 minute video, and then some time to digest materials, so an hour in total

    For the full course - 8 modules are split up into atomic lessons that you can complete in 15 minutes per day. I’d recommend completing a little a day over 30 days, but if you are a content binger then you could do it in a weekend :)!

    For the course & community - you can dip in and out as you see fit depending on the topics you might need support with. Weekly socials are up to an hour, fortnightly office hours can be up to 90 minutes, and monthly deep dives are 2 hours.


    You’ll need an internet connection and something to access the content on, and a pen and paper.

    That’s it to start your visualisation journey.

    If you get into it and down the rabbit hole of software, take a look at my tools advice here.


  • Atomic Visuals assumes no prior talent, tools or knowledge of drawing or visualising ideas.

    We got right from first principles, and you’ll learn the secrets of drawing simply, fast, and confidently in 90 seconds.

  • Atomic Visuals isn’t a drawing course.

    It’s a communication course.

    Whilst drawing will help, you’ll learn how to THINK.

    You’ll learn how to simplify ideas, apply your drawing skills to communicate them clearly, engagingly and tell stories so audiences think, feel or do differently.

    That’s more than just drawing.

  • Three key reasons

    1. Your instructor - I’m not someone who just got Twitter famous making nice pictures. I’m a social researcher who has been working at this visualisation game for a decade, run a successful visual storytelling agency for 6 years and have worked with organisations internationally (like the UK Government and the UN!) to hone this craft for you to benefit.

      This means the content and techniques are evidence-based and tested IRL, with real people doing groundbreaking things (like developing the COVID vaccine or revolutionising NHS training).

    2. Your outcomes - other visualisation courses focus on building big audiences NOT the quality of the ideas you are spreading.

      You’ll learn a vital skill that will help you be recognised for your ideas in the boardroom, the classroom and online that drive MEANINGFUL CHANGE, not just likes and followers.

    3. Your experience - other courses do not have the global community reach, in depth techniques and one-to-one support from the instructor.

      You won’t just experience poorly shot videos of ‘oh here’s how I make pictures’.

      You’ll get in depth walkthroughs of the BRAINS behind the SCRAWLS so you can think through your OWN ideas to visualise them anywhere, in front of anyone and FAST. Alongside a community of 400+ incredible and supportive visualisers, with access to me (your instructor!) 24/7.

  • Here’s a list of where our other Atomic Visualisers have used them (which is by no means exhaustive!):

    • Presentations

    • Course content

    • Social media content

    • Strategy sessions

    • Team building

    • Coaching sessions

    • Books & eBooks

    • Teaching

    • Proposals

    • Research publications

    • Reports

    • Team reviews

  • YES.

    I wouldn’t have poured my heart and soul into this course if it didn’t.

    Here’s some people who are already doing it:

    Derek Moore used his newfound Atomic Visualisation skills to illustrate and sell his best selling book on Amazon.

    Victoria Pile is using Atomic Visuals to supercharge her coaching business.

    Aaron D’Almeida (Head of Global Tax Risk at HSBC) is using Atomic Visuals to change the way his international team speaks to clients and frames problems to improve products.

  • Not a problem - for sign ups of more than 5 people at a time email

  • Atomic Visuals used to be a cohort based course called Pencil Pirates.

    For a full explanation on why I changed this admittedly cracking name ;), have a look here.

  • We offer a limited number of scholarships per quarter - to apply, email

  • So glad you asked.

    It’s a Tombow Monograph 2B.

    Yours?! (Because everyone has a favourite pencil right!?)

A final word from Laura

Imagine what it would be like to be recognised for your expertise. to captivate an audience with your thinking and leave your impact on the world.

To say goodbye to complexity, to death by powerpoint, and to disconnection with our teams, our followers and even ourselves.

And to say hello to clarity, to visual superpowers that make you an asset to ANY project, and finally driving meaningful change with your ideas.

Don’t spend 10 years wallowing in words like I did as a researcher, with my contribution to the world languishing in unread reports and half baked tweets.

It’s time to unlock your visual potential together - I’ll be right there with you on the journey :).

Laura x

Visualise your ideas in under 5 minutes, so audiences get you in less than a second